About Mima

"Reading is the beginning of a lifetime of learning"

Who is Mima?

A Mother
A Grandmother
A Tia
A Sibling
A Cousin
A Friend
A Sister-in-Law
An Aunt
An Adventurer

Why do this?

I developed a love of books from a young age. Much of the time preferring to be left alone to read, rather than be "forced" to play with my rambunctious siblings.

I found a wonderful escape into new worlds, new places, and many new people through the pages nestled between covers.

I am excited to help all children have the opportunity to be readers - and by extension better learners!

From mima,

Every month - a new series of book options and offering for your child - simply click the Library Picture link below, send in your email request, and the book will arrive within a few days!

Mima's Library extended logo color